Our Cammomile tea brings a delicious aroma and a sweet and earthy taste. It is known to be a pretty healthy beverage because it's full of antioxidants and is perfect for relaxing or before going to bed, also it may help to reduce muscular pain. All of these properties plus a really nice taste, what else can you ask for?
Our Cammomile tea is 100% grown on Ekoto's own Farm and processed by Wilder-Land. Together we work towards our common goal of increasing biodiversity in The Netherlands.
At a glance
- Grown in The Netherlands
- Helps to relax and sleep
- Sweet and earthy flavor
- Grown on biodiverse fields
- Size: 25 gr
- Cups of tea: 18 to 20 cups
Detailed information:
- Packaging: Paperwise bag of biodegradable materials
- Produced in: The Netherlands
- Produced by: Ekoto Farm
- Field objective: Biodiversity increase
- Certificates: -
- Processed by: Wilder-Land
- Transport mode to warehouse: Transporter van
- Bulk storage: Stored in paper bulk bags
- How to recycle: With paper and carton or on the compost pile
To enjoy all the properties of this tea we recommend you boil water at 100°C, then you can add one teaspoon of tea per cup or a tablespoon if you are using a pot, then let it rest for approximately 7-8 minutes and you're ready to go!
Tip: If you want you can add some honey as a natural sweetener.
Our single origin varieties are produced on Ekoto's own Farm. Herewith we are minimizing food miles. But more importantly, we grow native herbs which stimulate biodiversity. The production method at Ekoto Farm is also incredibly unique as all crops are grown in narrow strips. Meaning that every 3 metres another crop can be found. At Ekoto Farm we say; "Diversify, Diversify, Diversify".
In an attempt to reduce the impact of monocultures on the soil and to restore the biodiversity of the Netherlands, Ekoto Farm produces native varieties of crops. Not only with the tea varieties, but also with its assortment of grains and pulses.
The process of cutting, drying and sifting is done by Wilder-Land. Part of the cammomile harvest from Ekoto Farm is used in the Wilder-Land Blends as you know them from our website, but the other part is coming straight back to Ekoto. Now we can offer you a 100% single origin Cammomile tea. Not sprayed, no chemical treatments, no nonsense!
Ekoto is looking together with Wilder-land to grow other native crops locally and work more together to pursue our goals of sustainable production!