About Ekoto

  • Jannes van Roermund

    Soms heb je een crisis nodig om te zien hoe veel beter we de wereld kunnen vormgeven. Dat was voor mij de coronacrisis. Op dat moment was ik correspondent in Polen geweest en werkte ik op de redactie van De Telegraaf, en begon ik me maatschappelijk te engageren.
  • Paulina Córdova Walterspiel

    I could learn so much not only from agriculture, food and sustainability, but also about the Dutch culture, which is so different from mine! Even in the way we communicate on social media or understand different concepts. But these differences made me enrich my intercultural skills, having as a result a lot of personal and professional growth.
  • Juan Felipe Camacho

    “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

    I never fully understood that quote until I met Ivar van Dorst, founder and owner of Ekoto, he showed me with his work that to start that change you want to see in the world you need to start doing what you think is right and let that be an example and inspiration to other people.

  • Eugenio Rhoads

    I wanted to learn how an organic Dutch farm works. The main reason why I came to this farm was to learn about strip cropping, I had insights in organic faming because back home my mother owns a small organic farm. But I didn’t have any knowledge about strip agriculture. Arriving to the farm I was impressed of the beauty of the place...
  • Seongbae Park

    Not only the farm had good learning contents but also Ivar and his family are very friendly and warm. Their positivity often motivates me to focus on works and feel more responsible.
  • Ekoto versterken?

    Ekoto is ondanks haar brede werkveld en ambities nog een jong bedrijf. Hoewel er dagelijks een groep mensen op de boerderij te vinden is, zijn e...
  • Ivar van Dorst

    De basis van Ekoto is gebaseerd op de frustratie van anonieme producten die we in ons dagelijks leven kopen. "Bij elk product dat ik koop, vraag ik me af welke praktijken ik steun". Misschien kinderarbeid, moderne slavernij of
  • Teyo Broers

    In bigger companies you usually get one single job or task for weeks, at Ekoto all jobs are diverse and when you get bored of doing one you can always do another, it is for sure something I appreciated,
  • Kiran Pavana

    When working at Ekoto, I took on the responsibilities of managing some crop trials and the company’s social media account on Instagram. The trials consisted of approximately 45 ancient legume varieties,